07 November 2021

The Song of Inanna

Her ancient wisdom is likely to revive feelings and insights 
that are buried deep in our collective unconscious for generations, 
opening new doors of perceptions into a consciousness of wholeness, 
embracing the rejected Sacred Feminine in its Totality, 
and participation with all life on Earth. 

Liliana Kleiner, Ph. D.

When I gaze upon this representation of Inanna, my eyes follow the lines carved by the artist as though I am retracing faded memories. While, deep within me stirs a faint remembrance... A whispering heard as though throughout the long, twisting corridors of time. Something I can't quite hold in my awareness long enough to convey. Just a hint of an understanding, accompanied by a sudden sharp feeling of importantance, and perhaps, something vital. 

As whisper gets louder, I begin to sense something deep, raw and wild. Something primordial lurking in the darkness obscuring my inner knowing. Then, suddenly, it rushes to the surface of my awareness and becomes clearly evident.

This is how wisdom reveals herself. This is how symbolism communes with the psyche, the soul. Symbols act as a visual key opening the door to other realms; a secret code that magickally translates the almost forgotten and unspoken language of our ancient ancestors which flows through our blood and is buried in our bones. Whenever a symbol is seen, ancient wisdom begins to stir and slowly wakes within us we listen, until its voice is recognized. At first, the message is often soft and subtle, but as we become acutely aware, the meaning is bright and quick.

For a mystic, this constant watching and waiting for hidden truth, for the holy in every thing to be revealed, is predominant. And, for me, seeking and embracing the Sacred Feminine, is a necessity. Her gentle presence holds me, and assures me that I am forever protected and divinely guided. She is the voice of wisdom, the soft whisper of my inner truth faithfully reminding me of who I am: Whole. 

Let's take a peek beyond the doorway of perception... Into the realm of symbolism:

Did you notice what Inanna is holding? To most, the butterfly sceptre is simply that. But, ooh!!! It's so much more! As you may know, a sceptre is a rod or staff (most often bejeweled) used by royalty as a symbol of power, as an emblem of authority and sovereignty. But, for the mystic, the seer, the seeker of wisdom... we sense its deeper meaning. Dissatisfied with surface appearances, alone... because, we intuitively feel, sense, know that underneath, unseen, there is a vast wealth of treasure awaiting our discovery. For us, the butterfly sceptre/staff has profound significance. 

Spiritually, a sceptre is associated with wealth, magickal protection, happiness, the strength of unity, and the ecstatic state of being fully present. The etymology of the word sceptre means: support, 'to lean upon'. It represents the spine (think kundalini when the chakras are open*), aligning our will with action. Signifying one has become Queen on a spiritual level. Indicating that we are innately whole (both sacred and mundane) - the staff, known as the Tree of Life, the World Tree, the Axis Mundi illustrates the inseparable connection between divinity and humanity. 
Byung Hea So, who conducted a study to analyze the symbolic meaning of the staff from an analytical, psychological perspective wrote in the Journal of Symbolism & Sandplay Therapy

This is the driving force of individuation, which integrates human unconsciousness and consciousness while discovering and accepting the genuine Self. Humans realize Self through consciousness of the inner personality by constantly establishing a relationship with the inner world of unconsciousness. They desire to constantly communicate with God[dess] and they want to live a symbolic life through transformation. 

The symbolic meaning of the staff as a spiritual guide is an indicator of individuation that is constantly reborn by transformation and reproduction.

How utterly brilliant and deeply intuitive was the artist to imagine Inanna's sceptre with a butterfly! 

Butterflies are a symbol of transformation! 

Remember, the sceptre's staff represents the spine upon which we may lean; it has the power to support us. Traditionally, a sceptre is topped with something precious (gemstones) representing the higher spirit. Hidden within Inanna's sceptre topped with a butterfly is the quiet but generous message of freedom - which is indicative of the true nature of our higher spirit: Free Will. We are each inherently free as spiritual beings in human bodies. Despite appearances, insidiously ingrained beliefs and conditioning, we are not subject to imperial dictates or commands, nor are we intended to be slave to the will of others. 

Our connection with the SOURCE of Wisdom is through the Divine within our Self via our own inner authority and sovereignty. Our reign here on earth was never intended to be used as power over others. Rather, to empower our self, our will, our emotions, and our choices with love, compassion and truth. Thusly empowered we constantly awaken in the present moment, our conscious awareness open and expanding with soulfulness, heart and wisdom so as to live and create in ways that sustain, enhance, nurture, and are in harmonic unity with the Sacred. And, from this sacred place, to think and act with free will to acknowledge and honor the Divine within our self and one other. This is true wisdom. Wherefore, our true purpose is to BE witness through our unique sense of awareness, our individual experience, and our personal perspective, and to align our will with our spirit whereby allowing constant change and transformation to occur for our highest good, and for the highest good of all! 

That being so, this is where the DIVINE MOTHER energy comes into play. Though Inanna is not typically seen as such, there are other symbolic aspects of this work of art that are undeniably Divine Mother in essence. 

One being the shape of the butterfly body, which is reminiscent of the yoni. If you do not know, the yoni is a Divine Feminine symbol of sacred space, of woman, of reproduction, and re-generation. In Sanskrit, the word means 'source', 'abode', 'holder', and 'womb'. 

Some relate yoni to the vagina only, but it actually refers to the all-encompassing aspect of the female genitalia and organs, inside and out. There is no denying that the yoni is the original, unifying symbol of our individual and collective first transformational journey here on earth. From the moment we are conceived in the womb, we undergo a continual cycle of change and transformation in the form of an egg dividing and developing in utero into a baby. And, after birth, growing and becoming and aging until death. Every cell in our body dies and is reborn numerous times, over and over throughout our lifetime. This symbolic experience; the birth, life, death, rebirth cycle is a sacred and fundamental part of our eternal transformation, which the butterfly represents in its four stages of being.

Again, Inanna is associated with/as the butterfly!
The Yoni! And, also, the bee! See the honeycomb pattern? 

So, what an empowering symbol is Inanna's butterfly sceptre! 

As Her Priestess, it reinforces my knowing that we are here for the soul and sacred purpose of remembering who we are! Reclaiming our inner authority, sovereignty and divine power is a process. No matter how often, like alchemists, transforming ourselves for the better, we must let go to embrace the divine order of change until we are fully and consciously integrated - whole in our awareness of being Divine.

Ultimately, it is the energetic essence of the sacred feminine that lures us deeper within: within our self, within life, within the unconscious, within the Mysteries. To surrender into Her embrace is to bravely look beyond what is seen and see with our third or inner eye into the dark unknown... As this is where SHE dwells. 

It is our seeking nature, our yearning for truth, meaning and purpose that awakens our spirit and re-connects us to SPIRIT.

Though there are other symbols hidden within Liliana's Inanna, I'll share two more that relate to the Mother, then leave the others for you to discover...

Did you notice Inanna eyes? She was given the facial shape and the eyes of a bee! Bees represent Spirit and the Angelic realm, and are known as Messengers for the Divine. Bees symbolize the Goddess, also love, abundance, prosperity, health, vitality, brightness, dedication, celebration, fulfillment, generosity of spirit, community, fertility, higher vibration, positive energy, focus and personal power. For an individual or the collective to follow the bee, (i.e. our sacred calling) is to allow the discovery of a new destination. One where peace, love, divine order and the sweetness of life rules and reigns supreme. Bees are also associated with death and rebirth, and in particular, with the Eleusinian Mysteries. Though the Mysteries of Eleusis remain for the most part unknown, to this day, it is known that those who swore an oath of secrecy and participated in them were forever changed and that they no longer feared death... Interesting to note: Bees also clear Karma!

Though most are unaware of the connection between bees and transformation, some cultures believe that they represent our soul traveling between this world and the underworld... (perhaps bees are the bridge between our conscious awareness and our sub/unconscious mind). 

Remember these words from The Secret Life of Bees: Above all, send the bees love. Every little thing wants to be loved... If you read the book or watched the movie, you know that we are implored to never fear the bees, and under no circumstance kill them or try to encourage them to leave. This good advice applies to everything, including symbols. So, let's not overlook their importance, but instead, sit still and quietly observe, and be grateful for any message or gift received. I personally found this wisdom especially helpful while contemplating the final revealed symbol.

At first glance, I thought that Inanna was wearing a feathered breast-plate, which seemed plausible. But, upon closer observation I saw that those are actually Her breasts! I recognized them, as I'd seen them before in the statue from antiquity, below. This truly surprised me, because quite frankly, so many breasts on one woman is more than a little unnerving... But, on my patron Goddess, Inanna!?!

Yet, though Inanna is not known as a Mother Goddess, the other meanings symbolic of breasts aptly apply: the Sacred Feminine, life-giving nourishment, comfort, sexual power, fertility, spiritual nurturance and abundance... And, for some unknown reason, in recent years I find myself looking to Inanna as Mother, or, maybe an older sister, but definitely, some one I want to turn to for comfort, understanding, nourishment, protection and guidance.

Though unexpected, the symbols in Liliana's art of Inanna spoke to my spirit instantly. My desire in sharing is to remind us that there are infinite other perceptions and hidden worlds of wonder that surround us everywhere in this life. As both initiate and Priestess of Inanna, it is up to us to open the unfamiliar doors into the unconscious mind and with curiosity and courage seek out forgotten, encoded wisdom. And with deep, heartfelt awareness find ways anew to commune with the Goddess, and to understand the symbolic nature of our life so that transformation can occur for the enhancement of our experience, and the unity of the collective. When we are in alignment and in harmony with life, with the Divine, with our deeper self, it transforms us and we are transported into a different awareness, into a higher frequency, whereby we view the seen and unseen, and experience the mundane and ecstatic mystical transcendence, simultaneously. 

And, as Inanna shows in the print below, and in Her mythos, it is our energetic body (the merging of matter and spirit) which bridges the realms of heaven, earth and the underworld, and thereby, empowers us to reclaim what is authentically ours: Our divinity, sovereignty and wholeness. 

The Song of Inanna
A book of imagery and art.
by Liliana Kleiner, Ph.D.
(visual artist, filmmaker, theorist, and Jungian therapist)
Published in Jerusalem,  November 2017
by Jerusalem Fine Art Prints Ltd

Have you ever seen something from afar, but knew instantly it was somehow connected to your spirit, to your soul, to you?! This is how I felt the moment I saw The Song of InannaThere is something so ancient and familiar about the pages of this book... I covet the thought of holding it with my own two hands.... Gazing upon its pages fluttering like the wings of a butterfly - it beckons me to come find a promise of mystery.

My secret thought: Someday... I will have a copy of my own to cherish.

Until then, I shall continue to ponder the few images Liliana has shared. This winter, when nature insists we go within, I will petition Inanna to sing Her song to me, that I may create my own handcrafted prints of Her. And, if ever I am fortunate enough to meet Liliana, or attend one of her lectures, I will savor whatever she graciously reveals of her experience of Inanna, what inspired her to create this art and book in Her honor.
With love for the Goddess.

Chakra Wisdom: 
Our body is the staff and sceptre! Our energetic body demonstrates this truth. Our soul, housed within our heart chakra in every present moment NOW, in the 3rd dimension of life on the earth plane, where free will and consciousness resides. We are the bridge between between heaven (higher levels of Divine SPIRIT & Mystery) and the underworld (Sub/unconscious energy, memory & transformation of karma, ancestral and Soul).

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