10 November 2021

The Tao of the Goddess

The valley spirit never dies-
it is called "the mysterious female";
The gate of the mysterious female
is called the root of heaven and earth.
Gossamer it is,
seemingly insubstantial,
yet never consumed through use.
Tao Te Ching

This passage has been translated countless times throughout history. The word translated in this version as the mysterious female, has been translated in other versions as: Mother Deep; Subtle Female; The Mother of the World; The Mystic Mother; Mysterious Female; Unknown First Mother; Dark Female; Mother Substance of the Deep; Mystery - The Woman; Great Mother; Primal Mother; Mystical Female; Mysterious Motherhood; Subtle and Profound Female; Fathomless Female; Mysterious Femininity; All-Embracing Female; Mystic Woman; The Dark Mare; Obscure Feminine; Mysterious Fertile Mother of Us All.

The Shrine of Wisdom defines Her: 

The Mother is Tao 'conceived as having a name', therefore She is the Root of Yang and Yin. Between the highest Heaven and the nethermost Earth is the fathomless Void where the forms of existence emerge from the opening of The Mother-Deep.

The Mystery is Sacred Feminine - She (Goddess). In Christianity, both the Gnostic tradition and in Psalms, this Holy Spirit is known as Sophia - Holy Wisdom. In the mystical aspect of Judaism, the aspect of the Divine that dwells within all is known as Shekinah, the feminine essence of God. And, Kabbalists refer to the soul as She. This sacred unseen, but underlying feminine force within all is known throughout many cultures and religions. No matter how the principle is defined or translated, it is the totality of the creative force - Holy and SHE. Known as the Womb, as the VOID from which all things are born and to which all things return... this Great Mystery connects everything and everyone. Mysterious and wholly incomprehensible, this Cosmic Sacred Feminine essence was before both Heaven and Earth, and miraculously, it flows within us all. No matter how each generation seeks to understand and attempts to define and explain its unfathomable energy, She remains a Mystery. From HER nothingness and everything we are born into this life, and into HER nothingness and everything we return in death. And, though we cannot contain the infinite totality of its feminine nature with our finite mind, Her unseen threads weave us together in undeniably feminine ways. Without words we each have an innate longing, an intuitive knowing, and a heartfelt need of Her, because the Primordial Mother is embedded deep within our body, mind, soul and psyche. She is our body, mind, soul and psyche! We are born of Her and She dwells within us always. 

Both women and men possess Divine Feminine energy - it is a neutral force.

Our in-born, life-long and primal want and need for home, love, nourishment, solace, stillness, pleasure and belonging is innately for HER! She is Sanctuary where all things find refuge. The lie, the fear, the illusion that causes us to believe we are separate or disconnected from SOURCE, from Her, is the cause of an unbearable ache that makes us feel like motherless children, no matter how deeply we love or who loves us. This is the original mother wound, perpetrated by the patriarchy. Thus, wounded, we as a collective are calling out to the Divine Feminine. Her energy and essence is awakening on the planet. We feel it. We rejoice and celebrate Her return!

The Mysterious Mother Spirit, something we all intuitively and instinctively feel, claire-sense and soulfully yearn for, is the essence written of in the Tao. The ancient teachings of the Tao draws its inspiration entirely upon this female principle. Tao has been called: the Way, the Path, the Road, the Method, the Mode - but essentially, it means Eternal Being, Fathomless Source, the One, the Deep, and it is without question organically female.

The Founder of Taoism, Lao-Tze (b, 604 B.C.) wrote

Tao is one. It was in the beginning, it will remain for ever. It is impersonal, eternal, immutable, omnipresent, bodiless, immaterial, it cannot be perceived by the senses. It is nameless. It is indescribable.

The Tao that can be expressed is not the eternal Tao; the name that can be defined is not the unchanging name... There is a thing inherent and natural which existed before heaven and earth. Motionless and fathomless, it stands alone and never changes; it pervades everywhere and never becomes exhausted; it may be regarded as the Mother of the Universe. I do not know its name. If I am forced to give it a name, I call it Tao, and I name it supreme... Man follows the laws of earth; earth follows the laws of heaven; heaven follows the laws of the Tao; and Tao follows the laws of its intrinsic nature.

O Sacred Mystery: She is simultaneously, both immutable and an ever unfolding order of change. As has been reiterated, this indescribable, mysterious spiritual energy of the Holy SHE resides within us all... it is what unseen - animates, sustains, and nourishes us. And yet, how often do we really stop doing long enough to simply BE present with Her, in deep conscious sacred awareness? I have learned that wisdom is a continual, constant unfolding -a process of being aware, still and silent- without falling asleep.  Enlightenment is often a sudden, sometimes jarring awakening in the midst of sleep. The Divine Feminine moves through both. She is intangible, and yet, easily held within our being; like Samadhi. Despite what some say, my experience of oneness with the Divine is that it need not be difficult or complicated: One must only let go of all else and become witness. 

With love and awareness, may we all become as profound and powerful as the essence of the divine feminine: wise, nurturing, abundant, infinite, nourishing, and able to creatively manifest from productive emptiness. 

The deep Feminine, the mystery of consciousness, She who is life, is longing for our transformation as much as we are. She holds back, allowing us free reign to choose, nudging us occasionally with synchronicities, illness, births and deaths… But when we make space for Her, she rushes into all the gaps, engulfing us with her desire for life and expression. This is what She longs for, this is what we are for: experiencing the Feminine through ourselves. We simply need to slow down, and find where to put our conscious attention.

Lucy H. Pearce, Burning Woman

Living the Tao of the Sacred Feminine:

I offer my way as a Guide... But, please be aware of this truth: The Sacred Feminine is a mysterious essence, experience and energy expressed and revealed differently for and through each of us individually, because we are each unique aspects of SHE. My way may or may not resonate with you. Please lean into your own intuitive nature or inner knowing for guidance. Ultimately, we need no one to help us find Her; She is easily accessible and eternally present within us all.

I have found the best way to connect and become in alliance with, and become spiritually aware of Her presence within my heart, mind and body is not to over think it. I simply position my body in a way that feels effortless and then rest in my chosen place of quiet solitude in nature, in a bath of warm water, in bed, in a dark room basically, wherever I feel safe and can remain undisturbed for as long as I wish.... I prefer to be nude, wrapped in something soft, comforting. I like to close my eyes to erase as much sensory overload as possible. Then, I get very quiet and at peace within myself and with my surroundings. Stillness is good, but so it rhythmic motion such as rocking, swinging, floating in water, etc.

Soaking in a warm bath is one way I commune with Her. Meditating is another. Even, the soft, surrendering moments just before taking a nap is a way. Basically, dissolving into the NOW moment in whatever ways that remove or lessen distraction, and allow one to enter into the inner realms where silent no-thought, quiet non-doing and peaceful solitude can be fully embraced. And, where a sincere desire and conscious intention to connect with Her can be acknowledged and honored within myself and my day to day life. Simply being with Her, is my favorite way to connect with the Divine Mother, as nothing is required of me other than allowing for time, space and grace. This feels most authentic, as I am simply me, being with Her. No expectations, no agenda, no pressure. Just holy being-ness. That being said, there are times when I feel lost, afraid, or have forgotten who I am. When I need something or want more... when I just really desire to connect in a more tangible way to hear Her voice flowing like a river with mine... during these times, I practice one or many of the following....

Other ways I connect with the Sacred Feminine:
  • Journal. Channel. Divine. Draw/Paint/Collage. Mirror-work. Scry.
  • Listen for Her Voice through my dreams, feelings and intuition.
  • Be Grateful/Present/Open. Unplug. Set aside to-do list. Daydream.
  • Love Gaia. Spend time in nature. Garden. Walk barefoot on earth.
  • Mother Self. Daily self love. Afformations. Positive/gentle self talk.
  • Honor Body. Breathe. Embrace my sensual/wild nature. Dance.
  • Celebrate. Honor natural cycles. Energy work. Be kind. Be Love.
  • Chant. Hold space for self /others. Forgive. Surrender. BE free.

How do you connect with the Divine Feminine?
Please comment, share your thoughts, practices, or add to my list.
Infinite blessings & bliss,
Leesa | The Gypsy Priestess

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