12 November 2021

The Charge of Inanna

O Inanna

you were
and always will be

that first ever touch
to have fertilized
the ground
beneath my life’s trees

that first ever rose
to have fragranced
the rest of my memories.

- Sanober Khan   A Touch, a Tear, a Tempest

10 November 2021

The Tao of the Goddess

The valley spirit never dies-
it is called "the mysterious female";
The gate of the mysterious female
is called the root of heaven and earth.
Gossamer it is,
seemingly insubstantial,
yet never consumed through use.
Tao Te Ching

07 November 2021

The Song of Inanna

Her ancient wisdom is likely to revive feelings and insights 
that are buried deep in our collective unconscious for generations, 
opening new doors of perceptions into a consciousness of wholeness, 
embracing the rejected Sacred Feminine in its Totality, 
and participation with all life on Earth. 

Liliana Kleiner, Ph. D.

13 September 2021

Prayers for Mother Earth

When we pray for Mother Earth, we pray also for ourselves, and vice-versa. 
This is because we are ONE with the Earth Mother.

My prayers use to be questions, and requests of Her.
Now my prayers are mostly unspoken.
I seek only to be in communion with the Divine.
Most often, my prayer is simply listening. Listening to the quiet sounds of nature 
- the wind rustling the trees, the water lapping upon the lakeshore, birdsong -
Listening to the rhymical sounds of my own heartbeat and breath....
Listening to the sounds of chant, singing bowls or hypnotic hymns....

Listening to Devi Prayer is like floating down a slow moving river on a bed of flowers in the twilight at days end.... My mind is quiet and at peace, my body surrenders to being held, my heart opens - with the rise and fall of each breath. 

O! Divine prayerful meditative bliss.... 

11 September 2021

Devi Prayer

A hymn to the Divine Mother. Devi Prayer is a peaceful track highly conducive to meditation and relaxation. Chanted in Sanskrit, this prayer is from the album 108 Sacred Names of the Mother Divine 
by Craig Pruess and Ananda Devi.

01 September 2021

27 August 2021

Divine Mother Prayer

Mother of the World by Nicholas Roerich

If you knew how much I love you, 
you'd cry for joy!

Medugeoji / Divine Mother